Friday, March 01, 2013

Window to the Creative Process


 Creativity is represented by a beaded lame sun.

 A Brainstorm (heated Tyvek/ actetate) results in lists, risks and making mistakes.

Mountains represent lots of resources, art inspirations and design principles.

New growth (plants and light bulb) represents new ideas.

Refining these ideas and using tools like stork scissors, rotary cutter, and the sewing machine result into making new quilts.

The fiberglass window screen has buttons for knobs.

The creative process is a rollercoaster ride that is enhanced by a relaxed state of mind.


  1. What a fun, vibrant piece. The use of the screen, words, colors all add a lot of interest. You certainly used a lot of tools and techniques to achieve this eyecatching piece. Looks as if you had lots of fun!

  2. Meena, it looks like you had a 'mind map' adventure that led to this piece.

    Can you share more about your process?

  3. This s truly a window onto your creative process. We can see your risk-taking in the wide variety of materials. All those electric ideas popping through your brain means you never lack for ideas. That is a very good thing. I like the pops of bright color against the more prevalent neutrals.

  4. You have created a lot of thematic contrasts in this window, and the various items that went into the piece. The word "RELAX" startled me, juxtaposed against the lightning bolt brainstorm and the roller coaster. The black frame seems to add an additional idea of creativity as a controlled process, whatever disparate elements it contains.


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