Friday, April 12, 2013

Harrison quilt

Although this quilt is not quilted, I have finished piecing it. I will be having it long-arm quilted. The pattern in this quilt has infinite possibilities. I learned this technique from Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr, while on a Craftsy Quilting Cruise a few weeks ago. It's a very simple technique that requires that you start with a 10 1/2" wide strip of tan fabric and a 1" inch strip of red fabric. You cut off a piece of the tan fabric in a width anywhere from 1.5" to 4.5". You can then cut that piece up into further segments, stitch the red strips onto the cut edges and reassemble the piece, and add it on to the existing strip. You could keep going forever, but I stopped at 80" long and 48" wide. I will be donating this quilt to my family for our Harrison Family Reunion coming up in 2014 to use as a fundraiser raffle quilt. I think the red strips seem to form the letter "H" in different heights, if looked at from the side, so I'm hoping that this will make a good Harrison quilt.


  1. This is really cool Pam! I can't wait to try this technique. Very appropriate for this challenge as well. I am sure your family members will love it!

  2. I love it! The first thing I saw was the H's, so I think it will be perfect for Harrisons.

  3. Neat design and perfect for this challenge!

  4. While I'm not sure I follow your "how to", the result is striking (I should borrow it for the Hoffman clan)! You could put family member names in the spaces. If viewed from one end, you can certainly imagine the pattern going on and on.

  5. Yes, Tobi. I thought about putting family names in the spaces. I think that would really personalize it and make it all the more enticing for a family raffle quilt. I think it looks like a family tree with all the legs branching off. It will be quilted with a pebble stipple design.


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