Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Infinity Spiral

This 7" quilt was supposed to show a dark square spiraling infinitely into a light center. There are actually 5 different yellow fabrics in the center, but they are almost too small to see. It didn't come out as envisioned, but it was fun to make and a surprise to see how it turned out.


  1. Great interpretation of theme

  2. This really draws your eye deep into the center and beyond.Very interesting.

  3. The problem with infinity is that we have limits and infinity, by definition, does not. That being said, your piece does suggest that it keeps going. Perhaps if you had more color gradation earlier, it would come closer, but still, a good job!

  4. This is a very nice piece with lots of interesting movement. I agree with Tobi, if the gradations had been greater and earlier, it would have added to the piece. That being said, it is still a nice piece of work.

  5. Spirals are so much fun to make and if we were able to go small enough could really go on and on forever. Pretty colors.

  6. Thanks for the comments. Yes, my idea was to have gradations of color. The photo doesn't show the colors accurately, but in spite of planning, it did end up looking like lots of blues and a small yellow center. So I think of the quilt as a learning experiment.


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