Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A is for Attitude

In March, 2013 sponsored its first ever quilting cruise. They provided us with four great instructors. Each one taught us a different technique. Pam Holland taught us how to make a quilted alphabet book. This was our first block entitled "A is for Attitude". Pam has written a book entitled "The Adventures of the Amazing Alphabet" and has created a different character for each letter. Her website is if you want to check out her quilts, which are amazing. I enjoyed learning the technique of creating a pattern and then tracing it onto my background fabric. You then either color in the areas you want hi-lited with colored pencil or use textile marking pens. You then quilt around everything to make it more pronounced. I would like to make all the letters for my grandchildren, but I think it would take me forever and a day, so this may be my last attempt at letter quilts. The quilt measures 8.5" x 11". I have two granddaughters, Angelica and Alivia so one of them may get this little quilt. Comments are welcome.


  1. Your A definitely has attitude!

  2. The striped stockings remind me of Pippi Longstocking, who definitely had Attitude!

  3. I've seen these letters before but never as a completed project. our "A" is certainly fun!

  4. This little being surely has attitude! And the striped stockings are terrific.

  5. Thanks for showing both the drawing and the colored in quilt. The coloring really brings the figure to life.


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