Monday, May 27, 2013

C is for Cute

This challenge was just too good to pass up.  I have been working on a technique in Photo Shop called Typographic Portraits.  I am teaching that technique along with others that I incorporate in my computer image quilts next week.  I needed to work on a few more samples and this challenge gave me just the excuse I needed to create another text portrait.

Generally I incorporate a lot of adjectives that describe the person who's portrait I am working on to make up the image.   Because I wanted to use only one or two words for this challenge I chose cute and cousins.  These two are so cute together as they show their love for each other frequently.  As usual I don't have time to finish this piece but wanted to post it as printed on fabric. 


  1. Your technique is wonderful. Such a "cute" idea. Great work!

  2. I forgot to sign my name on the above critique--Pam Clark

  3. Great use of text in your wonderful portrait. How neat!

  4. Where are you teaching this technique, and where can we go to learn how to do it? Pam Clark

  5. Pam, I am teaching this next week at J. C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC.
    This is a hard class to sell because the organizers of classes are afraid that students won't have a laptop to being to class.
    I may try to do an online class. Thanks for asking.

  6. Great quilt! How can we learn this very cool technique?

  7. This reminds me of my youngest son saying, at age 3, "You're not mad at me because I'm cute!" This was at a time when I was angry at his 5 year old brother, but cuteness is indeed a defensive trait for the young! I like the fact that the technique actually does produce recognizable portraits.

  8. You have done a great job with this challenge, Marilyn. It must be serendipity that this was the challenge that matched your upcoming class! Your sample is just what I had in mind when I first came up with this theme. I hope your class is a huge success.

  9. I, too, would be interested in learning this technique. Let us know when you've been drafted by Craftsy.

  10. Very clever technique. Thanks for sharing.


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