Friday, May 24, 2013

Summing it all up...

The letter I chose is the Greek letter SIGMA. In mathematics, it stands for "summation", and also "series."

It's probably obvious that I did this in a hurry, (Fast Friday), and it was fun. The letters in the quilt, all sigmas, are cut from the yellowed pages of my high school calculus book, now an antique. The text on the pages is about summation and series. I used tulle over the paper cutouts to protect them, and I did a little echo quilting. It is about 14" x 16".

Speaking of series, this might be the beginning of a series for me. My next letter would be DELTA, which stands for "change." 

Thanks for an interesting challenge!

Marilyn Foulke
Louisville, KY


  1. Hi Marilyn,
    You have done a great job with this challenge! Attaching old pages of your (ancient) calculus book is a fun way to use text in your quilt, and I like your use of strong primary colors in the backgrounds. What size is the quilt?

  2. Wait - I see the size in your description.

  3. I like your contrast of white letters against your backgrounds. It's the perfect background for letters with text on them, since it prevents this quilt from becoming too busy. Great job!

  4. Whoops, I did it again--forgot to sign my name--Pam Clark

  5. The letters remind me a bit of wooden alphabet blocks. I love the actual textbook pages in there. Great concept.

  6. You got away from the English alphabet here, and it is so appropriate to use the textbook pages for the letters. Great work!

  7. Great use of textbook pages making this a mixed media piece.


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