Friday, October 04, 2013

Still Life with Apples

Still Life with Apples 14" x 24"

This piece came to life in a round about way.  Though I try to draw something in my sketchbook every day (try is the operative word here) I had forgotten about the negative space exercises we did in drawing class so the challenge really peaked my interest.  First I tried the chair exercise we did in class a couple of times and though I was getting better at defining the negative space I decided I really didn't want to do a chair.  Next up were some paper-whites that were in a little vase.  I liked the drawing:

so I created a background to be the negative space but none of the fabrics I auditioned for the paper-white shape looked right.
Later in the week when I was out for a walk I noticed how many apples there are this year even on the old roadside trees.  The red of the apples is so nice with the green leave but then of course many of the apples are red and green in various combinations.  Bingo!  I would do apples and let the background work as the green contrast with the  apples.


  1. I love your pie. It's an awesome interpretation of the challenge. Pam Clark

  2. This is really appealing to my eyes. I love the background and the negative shape of the apples just pulls me into the piece. Very well done in my estimation!

  3. I enjoyed your drawing of the paperwhites. The apple idea is inspiring as well. I like how your used a variety of reds in the apples. This was an interesting approach to the challenge.


  4. I'm glad you went with the apples; the background showing through as the green parts works well. While your drawing of the paperwhites is nice, I think it would want to be the foreground and harder to define using a negative space technique.


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