Sunday, October 06, 2013

My Own Brain

This is my first challenge in about a year.  I decided I had to get back into it.  I've missed doing the challenges.

When I read about negative space I felt like I would have to make my own brain.
I guess I was meant to do it because a friend posted a picture on Flickr of a tree and it's reflection with the limbs  of the tree itself and the reflection coming together in a point making perfect arrow heads.  He gave me permission to use it as my inspiration.

I machine embroidered the tree and satin stitched the branches.

I made it into  a notebook cover.



  1. I'm not quite sure what to make of a tree reflection and making your brain. Is the tree representing a neuron? It does make a distinctive cover for your notebook!

  2. I like your comment about the negative space and your brain. Ha ha!!! I was looking at your piece sideways, and it reminded me of another of Betty Edwards' exercises - to draw a mirror image of a face in profile. Also quite challenging, but it gets you in the zone to really look and analyze angles and shapes, etc.



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