Wednesday, March 05, 2014


This was a really fun piece to do.  I simply freehand cut all the fabrics, pinned them onto the background layered onto batting and started stitching.  The snow is a sparkle organdy in two colors layered over a blue hand dyed fabric.  All the fabrics are hand dyed except for the organdy.   The larger tree trunks are strips of fabric, but all the rest of the trees, branches and the grasses are all thread painted.  The crocus and leaves were each cut from a single piece of fabric, then enhanced with stitching and Inktense pencils.  

I think this represents the theme and the light and shadow aspect of this challenge.
Here is a close up of the thread much fun to do!
It's been quite awhile since I have participated and this challenge gave me the 'bump start' I needed to get back in the groove...Thank you Cheryl!

As always, your input is appreciated...Cherie


  1. Everything about this piece works! You have a good combination of fabrics, beautiful threadwork, and perfect choices for the colors of the shadows. Your use of perspective for the close-up crocus, and the distant trees is very effective.

    Marilyn Foulke

  2. This is GORGEOUS! You have really captured the essence of signs of spring. I hope you are able to enter this is a show.

  3. Thank you Marilyn and Ann. I neglected to state the size, which is 11 1/2" x 17". I've decided, I really do like working small:-)

  4. Stunning! Great use of technique and materials. You've really captured the feel of snow and the emerging crocus. A beautiful job and image.

    Robert Hartley

  5. Having done this sort of thread painting, I can recognize the skill involved. Wonderful! welldone1 I echo the comment on your use of perspective. This piece just brings it all together beautifully.
    Pat f in winnipeg

  6. The sparkle in the snow really sets this piece off. Good job.

  7. This is a fabulous piece, Cherie! It is a great representation of light and shadow. . .and your thread painting is totally awesome too!

    Thank you for participating.

    Cheryl Casker


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