Thursday, March 13, 2014

Snow and Crocuses

13½" x 17"

A picture of early spring, I think I have it -- Impressionist style, probably not!  However, I always love the sight of the first crocuses to pop up among the leaf litter from the previous fall.

With this piece, I began the sacrifice of a mattress pad for my backing, and found that the top layer of that pad could be pulled off and made a nice impression of snow on the ground.  All the other pieces are cut from various cotton fabrics, and then I over-painted with some glitter fabric paint.

I would love any comments on this.


  1. I too thought about crocus. Glad you were able to finish your piece. I am overloaded with obligations for the next few months, so have not set aside time for this challenge. I am also still working on my Blue Rose.

  2. I guess crocus is the universal harbinger of spring. Fun, cheery piece.

  3. Love the colors in this piece. It does look like Spring.

  4. What a great piece, Tobi! Love, love, love your representation of snow. . .hurry Spring indeed!


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