Friday, February 23, 2007

Blue Christmas

My song is by Elvis..
Satin for the curtains, gold lame for the tree garland and gift ribbon, navy flannel for window panes. Not sure if I am happy with this yet, so haven't "fine tuned" or quilted it yet. The gold would be my accent color but I took a little "poetic license" and added the wreath over the window.


  1. This is really a fun piece Cathy. How did you do the ornaments...are they painted on? How will you quilt it? I'm looking forward to seeing it finished...


  2. Cherie said it right--FUN! I love all the carefree angles you've used in the different elements, it has a lot of energy. Even though it's very stylized it still has a definite feeling of depth. It looks like it could be an illustration in a children's book.

    Thanks for taking your poetic license. It gave me permission to stretch the colors and take some myself.
    laura k

  3. Hi Cathy, The addition of the gold lame ribbon is adds alot of contrast in value and texture. The flannel window panes and the satin curtains also add wonderful texture contrast. I personally think it would look better without the wreath. The composition is somewhat stylized and the wreath takes away from the simple beauty of that stylization. My eye goes to the wreath first.

    I hope you don't mind my is just my opinion of course! It's a wonderful interpretation of the challenge and an interesting composition.



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