Thursday, October 04, 2007

Stairs down to My Nightmares

I forgot the photo, sorry.
Anna Koziol


  1. I really like what you have done, very clever. It is interesting in the black and white theme. How did you bind with net?
    Reminds me of an Alfred Hitchcock scene, is that why it is a 'nightmare'?

  2. scary for sure and very effective!

  3. Effective title for the quilt and great depth created through the use of the curving steps from light into darkness.

  4. Carole, binding with net is easy. The net was cut into 1" strips then folded along the edges and two rows of stitching to hold it; one at the edge of the net and one at the edge of the quilt

  5. Hi Anna - You have done a great job conveying the fact that you do not want to go down these stairs. It is difficult for me to see this as a flat plane - you have done such a good job of creating depth. Love the shades of gray, the crumbling plaster. Really nice work.


  6. Anna,
    When I look at your piece I feel like I am watching that scratchy, scary ad for The Blair Witch Project. It makes me feel uncomfortable and yet I am irrisistably drawn in. Great job!
    Kathy L

  7. Great job with using only blacks/whites. It's very spooky and I wonder what's at the bottom of the steps!

  8. Anna,
    This is really a great piece, and the detailing is wonderful, even down to the peeling plaster. I keep expecting Norman Bates to walk in. Really great job!

  9. Hi Anna, I really like the perspective you captured with your camera and the mystery you added with the shades of grey thread. The background-border fabric has lots of interest and the photo is perfectly situated on it (the right side emphasizes the narrowness of the staircase and the left side emphasizes the expanse of the wall...good job!) Did you consider adding one touch of red in the photo...say a bloody knife on the stairs ;)

    Glad you're with us!

  10. This is a great piece. Call me chicken but I would not go down those stairs.

  11. Wow Anna, you really have woven a web of suspense in this piece. It is absolutely captivating. I like the uneven borders and the texture of the border contrasting with the fluid movement in the photo. Awesome! Joni


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