Saturday, November 24, 2007

#15: ren's "walk in the woods"

I took the cactus photo's proportions as the starting point and went from there. I was interested in using the Fibonnaci sequence so just about all the measurements started as 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, or 13 inches; then things happened and the end result isn't exactly those, but are what looked good to my eye.

I didn't think too much about scale, however, and have another piece in mind to focus on that. But I was able to work on this and finish it (REALLY finish it, binding and all!) yesterday. So here it is.


  1. I am really impressed with this! Having seen the catus photo, I see where you got the proportions to jump off from. But if that photo weren't available to reference, I would say that the way you have abstracted the piece works very well together.

    this has been an interesting revelation for me. I understand scale and proportion with more realistic things, but When I do more abstract pieces, I do what feels "Right". but your piece gives me the insight on how I can work out WHY it is right!
    Sandy Snowden

  2. It is great to see someone trying out an abstract piece with this challenge. Your use of the Fibonnaci sequence has created a good deal of visual interest, and the placement of the "cactus" realy helps contain the images.
    Good job!

  3. Hi Ren - What a handsome piece! The use of black and white with the addition of the yellow and yellow-orange makes a really eye-catching work.

    The piece has a lovely sense of asymmetrical balance - perhaps through use of the Fibonnaci proportions - whatever you did it sure works.


  4. Love the abstract nature of this piece. I have to admit to relating more to 'realistic' than 'abstract' and yet the later is what I yearn to do. Thank you for this piece. Gives me something to think about and enjoy at the same time.


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