Thursday, January 03, 2008

Fire and Ice

guess I'm not so original in the name - Fire and Ice.

So I took this challenge and really wanted to do a piece that incorporated both - my first thought was the yin yang symbol, my second was a tree one side fire the other ice. I found this polyester red scrap that I immediately started to piece. I had planned to make it wider but I decided the fire just the right width - then I made the ice in a gray with metallic gray thread - I decided to cut it in half and placed on horizontal stripes and the other vertical. My husband said it didn't feel like ice - to then I beaded the white stripes. Over all nothing like my original ideas I just let the scraps talk to me.

Final measurement 12x13.

In Cold Rainy Seattle


  1. The ice side maybe doesn't look quite like ice, but you have definitely captured the cold and hard qualities of ice. I love the contrast between the cold hard side and the hot fluid side.

    It might be interesting to add hot looking beads or other embelishment to the left side in random bits, to contrast with the orderliness of the right side.

  2. I really like this piece, the juxtiposition of hot/cold, warm colors/cool colors, linear and round shapes. Yeah!

    I agree with Linda, some warm colored beads/chaos on the fire would be interesting!

    I'm also using both concepts but I'm not done yet... I'll be the last one in the gate, methinks....

  3. I REALLY like this piece. It speaks to me about the differences that are out there. I don't see it literally as "fire" and "ice" but as the contrasts of any two feelings or ideas that we live with in our lives. so maybe it should be called "love and despair" or something like that.....

  4. Lisa, I really like the way that you have portrayed Fire and Ice.
    The movement in the red reminds me of fire, albeit a gentle fire. The lines in the ice are so like the striation that occurs when layers are frozen. Good job.

  5. I do think it looks like fire and ice. Maybe it's "only" hot and cold, but that's what fire and ice are. I like this piece very much.

  6. Hi Lisa, boy do I like this piece! You are getting really good with adding the element of emphasis to your quilts. The red fire pops forward and grabs the eye, then it moves over to the cool circles behind. Great job!

  7. I like this piece as well. While I don't particularly see fire and ice per se, I like the linear definitions. It seems to me I am almost looking out a porthole window... looking atthe water [horizontal] and the rain [ vertical]....
    Nicely done.

  8. Hi Lisa,
    This is really neat. Love the juxtaposition of the gray circles with the red hot flames. For some reason, though, I want those flames to extend all the way down to the bottom; they feel abruptly cut off to me. I think the quilting lines add just the right amount of texture to the piece. Great job.


  9. Hi Lisa - I like your combination of fire and ice. The ice section has a very frosty look and the circular quilting you added gives a nice emphasis. I like the organic shapes you've put together for the fire too.



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