Monday, May 26, 2008

The Embedded Series

In 2005, I started a series of "embedded quilts." The starting point was 18" sq's of hand dyed fabric, on which were appliqued a variety of shapes in different sizes. After the first 6 were completed, I realized I just wanted to cut them up! Which, of course, I did.

The first one used 5 blocks of circles and 1 block of triangles and is, by far, my favorite. The second was 5 blocks of squares and 1 block of circles. The third (not pictured) was all circles and far less successful. All are heavily machine quilted.

This experiment became a class I teach locally, and in 2 sessions, most students have their tops constructed. The best one was all oranges and fushias (of course, from the accerlated student)! I'm hoping to have time to do a new piece for this challenge, but right now am on 2 deadlines and sewing my little heart out!


  1. I've done something similar to what you did here and should do so again. They're fun. I think the colors you chose really helped your new designs explode. Great job!

  2. These are great Wendy. I'm working with a deadline also. The Grab Bag Challenge I'm doing is due in one week. But I also plan to do something for this challenge; probably a few days late.

  3. Wendy, it is amazing how the sliced up blocks come to a new life in your embedded quilts. Nice work.

  4. Wendy, Love both of these quilts! Your brilliant color sense is showcased wonderfully.


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