Saturday, April 11, 2009


I began this piece in late March when the challenge was first issued. It was the end of winter and it seemed as if spring would never arrive. This quilt reflects my state of mind at the time, but became a bit hard to finish once the wisteria started to bloom. The March challenge was two-fold: to use bright colors in contrast to dull, grayed colors in order to achieve the effect of luminosity and secondly, to convey the idea of masses and planes.

I drew a small sketch of a scene that I remembered from seeing part of a remake of the movie, Dr. Zhivago. I decided to try some two-point perspective on this piece in order to best work with the masses and planes component of the challenge.

I finally finished this last night (05/06/09) with the addition of the quilting and the shadows, which are made with layers of tulle. I have had a hard time with a title for this one, so it remains untitled.

I welcome any comments on the piece.


  1. Susan,
    Wow! This piece is outstanding! Your quilting is incredible and really so appropriate for the subject matter. The Church windows glow in an inviting way and the rising sun brings hope to the otherwise bleak landscape. Not only is this a great expression of the challenge, but also evokes a response from the viewer. Awesome!

  2. I agree outstanding indeed! The lights and darks add such a pieceful feeling to the piece, yet a glow of excitement. You really nailed the 'planes' part of the challenge. I am really loving this!
    Great work Susan.

  3. Hi Susan, Very dramatic piece...great job! I like the neutral starkness of the building and the trees which contrasts with the colorful moon and the glowing window and dome. The sky quilting is very Vincent Van Gogh and a perfect touch. Your pieces are always so impeccably constructed.

  4. I really like this and so glad you finished it to share with us. I know what you mean about the outdoors calling. Spring took a long time to get here so I spend as much time outside as I can when I'm home.

  5. Cynthia and Jan, Thanks for your comments and observations.

    Jan, I am spending time in the garden right now instead of quilting or sewing. Let's just say we are collecting inspiration for rainy day quilts.

    Thanks once again Rhoda and Joni. I appreciate those of you who have left comments, especially since this was so late and most everyone has moved on. :^)


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