Thursday, December 03, 2009

Prayer Plant

What fun I had with this challenge! I don't have a microscope and didn't really want to use an image off the web so instead decided to attach my macro lens to the camera and go searching through my house for something that had an obvious pattern when viewed close up.

I took several photos which I liked but decided to go with one of the more graphic in the leaf of a prayer plant. The actual size ratio is 10:1 with the finished quilt being 20" high by 13" wide.
The photo on the left is the one I started with. The piece is actually a painted wholecloth with a background of cheap ($2 a yard) muslin from Dharma.

I think I may go back in with some paint to add highlights on the right side of the quilt. I like the way it accentuates the curve of the leaf in the photo.

As always, comments are welcome!


  1. I love your idea. The colour is so good too. I like the red and green and the pattern the red makes.
    Very nice.

  2. Kathy your entry is very striking and beautiful! I love the color combination and the strong graphics in this piece. What kind of paint did you use to get the crisp lines? Excellent job on this challenge!

  3. This is superb Kathy... wow ...
    love the texture,color and the veins. It is wonderful, good job!

  4. This is a remarkable piece! Lovely work!

  5. Love this - think you're right about the highlights. Look forward to seeing the revised version

  6. I too love your work.....the colors are wonderful! Chris

  7. Oh Kathy, this took my breath away.... I think its time to take some pix around my house too..... Color, framing, everything is perfect.

  8. Great job. Your piece is even prettier than the photo.

  9. Wow Kathy this is stunning! Your edges are so perfect...did you quilt before or after painting?

  10. Thanks for all the kind words! To answer a couple of the questions - the paint I used is my new favorite but is one that is hard to get your mind around. I use good quality watercolor paints on fabric treated with home made soy milk. The fabric prep is somewhat time consuming but worth it I think. I have been doing some testing and after curing for a couple months it can take a trip through the washing machine with hot water on regular setting with no loss of color.
    I did the outline stitching (very slowly and carefully!) after the painting.

  11. very striking with opposite colors. Great subject . The soy milk treatment sounds interesting - I'd love to try it.

    Pat Havey

  12. Nice subject, cropping, and use of complementary colors. Well done.

  13. Wonderful job. I envy people who can paint.

  14. Beautiful the complimentary colors are fantastic the subject matter wonderful. Is there more instructions on the how you painted to reference because it is gorgeous.

  15. I really like the way you adapted the challenge to what was more to your own approach. Your piece is bolder than the photo, which appeals to me, but if you want it to be more realistic, then the highlights would do it, not only on the right dark, but also along the edges of the lighter green. That could be done with paint, or perhaps more challenging, with thread.

    Chris in Sea Ranch

  16. I like the finished piece no doubt as to what this is yet remains just a portion of the whole. nice composition

  17. Love it just the way it is but agree thread work would give you the highlights you mentioned.

    Beautiful design really captures the photo.


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