Friday, January 01, 2010

Lemons from Cheerios

I decided to use the Cheerios box since I've been eating them as long as I can remember. As I pondered the box, my eye was drawn to the stainless steel basket of lemons I have on my island, so I went with that idea. I made a small arrangement in a blue bowl and took photos. The lemons are a photo transfer to fabric, except the bottom one which is made from transfer to lutrador, my first use of this product. The bowl is also a transfer to lutrador. I added to the lutrador transfers with pastel dye sticks and watercolor pencils. Upper background is a hand dyed piece of mine. I used a new facing technique to finish it. It's about 8 1/2 by 12 inches. I'm pretty happy with it, as I challenged myself to use new products and techniques and for me, stepped out of my usual abstract/ geometric box. Comments are welcome. Thanks.

Chris Predd


  1. Great little piece! Your colors work so well together. The background quilting makes the piece appear to be crackled. Love what you did with your package colors and arrangement.

  2. Hi Chris, great job on the color scheme and the composition. And the creative use of the quilting lines adds depth and interest.
    Really good

  3. Chris, I like what you've done. The cherrio box has fun colors and you've used them in a lovely still life.
    The lemon peaking into the picture at the bottom really balances everything and I the background is great.

  4. Really nice still life Chris. You used the box colors well.

  5. Chris
    I was relieved to read that this was based on a photograph, as initially when I saw the photo I thought you had painted those lemons! They really glow, and the bowl is a great foil for them. Lovely work.

  6. I tried creating the lemons myself, but my lack of painting ability quickly relieved me of that notion! thanks for all the nice remarks. Chris

  7. Chris - This is a great composition - well balanced and use of color is very effective. I love the affect of using the pastels on the lutrador. It gives a depth of color that you would not have as the result of printing on the lutrador. It shows that you had fun. Great job.

  8. Chris - This is a great composition - well balanced and use of color is very effective. I love the affect of using the pastels on the lutrador. It gives a depth of color that you would not have as the result of printing on the lutrador. It shows that you had fun. Great job.

  9. Hi Chris...
    Blue and yellow is one of my favorite color combos, although I don't seem to use it much. Your beautiful lemons still life inspires me to do something with this combo. Nice piece...

  10. Hi Chris - This really turned out to be a lovely piece. You've managed to capture all the colors from the box and turn them into something so pleasing. The composition is so good. But my favorite part is the upper background fabric and the wavy quilting lines.

  11. Chris, you have really mastered the art of using photos in your work! This is a wonderful piece. I love the way you handled the background, the variety of color and the quilting lines add depth and interest. Nice work!

  12. Chris, this is a 'zesty' little piece.. those lemons even 'smell' fresh. Nice job and thank you for sharing your techniques.

  13. Very soothing, pleasing piece! Great background fabric and quilting. Good use of photos and lutrador. So many techniques to try!! Thanks for showing us the possibilities available to us. Maybe experiment should be my word for the new year.

  14. I thank all for your comments on my piece. Honestly, I don't use photos much at all so this was a real stretch for me but that is my goal for this do things differently and not settle for the tried and true unless that is the best way.

  15. This is just lovely. I love the background, the shadowing on the lemons, as well as the softness of the piece. Very successful.


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