Friday, January 01, 2010


I studied the psychology of color in advertising and found it quite fascinating. With the 'plant' theme and a still life, I knew exactly what I wanted to make, but I needed to find the advert that contained 'my' colors. After scouring the passel of ads that come with the newspaper, I found "Centrum Silver for Women". I studied the colors against the psychology and it was very easy to see why they use the colors they do:
Gray[silver] for 'practicality',
Purple[wines] for 'rich sophistication',
Yellow for 'happiness and good times',
Green for 'comfortable nurturing and well paced-energy',
Orange for 'fun times...energetic days',
Red for 'energy',
Blue for 'calming... actually causing the body to produce chemicals that are calming'.

So, maybe I need to run out and buy just might help me with my 2010 word: YES.

My piece is based on a stand of 'mother-inlaws' tongue' cacti that appear to grow wild, albeit slowly, in our back garden. I love sitting there, looking through the citrus trees at the cacti and the colors of the fruit and bouganvillea beyond. We also have a 'resident' lizard of some kind and he just sits so very still and watches me.
I hope I have captured that and I look forward to your comments.
I had to contact my friend Sherryl Buchler in order to get the fabric I needed for the containers, that delicious 'berry' fabric.

I really enjoyed this Challenge and thank our hostess
Rhoda Forbes very much.

Size:16.75 x 19.50


  1. I love the cheerful, mellow feel of this piece Carole. I'm drawn right into the picture along with the lizard. Good job!

  2. Good job Carole. So glad you took the time to seek out the mood the colors evoke.
    I love this piece, lot's of great texture. The background with the orange and green squares draws the eye right in....just great work!
    And the lizard, well he fits right in with the overall composition.

  3. Great piece and interesting how the rest of us found a package first and then put the colors into the piece whereas you looked for certain colors . Funny that it was in vitamins for the 'older' generation. The lizard was a fun addition to this great piece of color and quilting.

  4. Hi Carole - Thanks for relating the colors to the moods they evoke - most interesting. I appreciate the calmness of the purples and gray contrasted with the vibrant orange and yellow. And those itty bits of blue add a nice spark. Of course, the lizard is the star! YES!

  5. I like the way you put the rainbow from the package onto the brick wall. Nice compostion and love the lizrd.

  6. Carole - You have really nailed this challenge. It is a terrific piece. I like the composition, the use of color. Love the lizard. The only thing I would change is to do something to distinquish more clearly the edge of the vase in front where it overlaps the other. (I would add that it may look more obvious in life than on my monitor in which case ignore my comment.) I will never look a a box of Centrum Silver in the same way again.

  7. Carole, love your piece. It is soft and relaxing, yet interesting at the same time. I think the bits of color behind the plant add a lot of interest and depth to the composition, and of course the little lizard is very special. Your quilting on the flower pots is excellent too.

  8. I suspect those of us who are looking at white envy your back garden view. The colors are very soothing and the piece has good depth with the "rainbow" behind the planters. Good use of the blue. Your resident visitor certainly adds to the piece.

  9. Hi Carole, I see a rainbow on the lizard, too. This has a sophiscated, interesting, calm, but cheery mood. Really wonderful of your best. The shapes of the leaves and pots are just perfect
    Great job

  10. thank you everyone for your comments... they are very encouraging. My 2010 word is YES

  11. I love the simplicity and the clean lines. The splash of yellow and orange was a great addition.
    Great job.


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