Friday, January 01, 2010

Cheez-It Crackers as Inspiration

Right now, I am enamored of red/orange/yellow color schemes, so thought a box of Cheez-It crackers would fill the bill. Many in my family enjoy them, so there is often a box in my kitchen. Actually, I realized after I purchased the box and went to photograph it for this, that I completely missed the blue and black that was in it. Oh, well..!

I went looking for a photo of nature that had some red and oranges and found a photo of wild flowers in a field. I cropped the photo, used the palette knife filter, rotated it, posterized, and turned in to a sketch. Copied the sketch to plain muslin, painted it with some acrylic paint, layered and quilted some.

This piece is small, a little study piece really, about 6" x 10". I enjoyed the process of abstracting from a photo of nature and playing with the colors, and painting on the fabric.

I now am aware that there are many products with red/yellow/orange. I wonder if I simply like the colors or if I am greatly influenced by corporations marketing efforts. Coincidence or not? Since these have not always been my favorite colors, I like to think that it is just a coincidence.

As for the piece itself, it is simply a study piece that I have enjoyed creating. Thanks for the challenge. It got me thinking about everyday sights in a different way and got me to use the colors of which I am so fond, and encouraged me to work with abstracting from a photo.

Any comments are welcome.


  1. Hi Betty
    I love the vibrant color and organic flow of this abstraction. I can see the correlation to the product but I'm not sure, is this a still life? Looks like a fun study.

  2. I liked reading about your process and will try it myself.......thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Very interesting process and nice results, although it isn't a still life it is still most interesting.
    I think if you would have added some blue and black it would have added even more interest. And yes you are likely influenced by corporate marketing schemes :)

  4. I agree with Rhoda's comment on adding some blue and black and even some white to your piece to make it even more dynamic. What if you created some yellow and white flowers in a blue vase or something similar to get the still life and more colors?

  5. Hi Betty - Thanks for describing the process you used to make your design. It is interesting how many different things I see - it is a bit dragonish but it also looks like earth and water and it makes me think of the cellular challenge too. I'm glad you made this as a study and hope you will push it into something larger.

  6. Betty, this has such an organic feel. I agree with some of the other comments, that it might be more dramatic with a touch of white, like on the package or even that black and the blue too. Very interesting process you used to create this. Sounds like fun!

  7. Hi Betty, it looks like you had fun with this challenge. I like that you did your own take on it even though it isn't a still life as we think of it. I also would like to see one of the contrasting colors in the piece somewhere. Nice job!

  8. Hey Betty.. nice study! I can see you had fun, and I can see you taking it even further with some of the 'advertising' colors/elements. Reminded me of the last challenge actually...but I am happy to see the results of some 'photo-play'...

  9. Hi Betty, interesting shapes and color combination..looks very organic. It's just missing the eye-catching quality of some dark contrasts.
    The corporate marketing influence comment is interesting and others have expressed it, too. I think there is something there, but I think more it's the psychology of color and the marketers have keyed into that. Red, yellow and orange are very exciting...those Cheezit boxes make me salivate...and not just because the marketing's the colors

  10. I like your colors and the organic feel to your piece. I agree that it could be improved with a the added contrast from a bit of dark blue or black and some white. You could easily add some with more quilting or couched yarns.

  11. Interesting piece and process. Looks like you had a good time which is the idea of these challenges. Those are my colors! If you decide to add some of the suggested colors, please post.


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