Friday, January 01, 2010

Ch #40 Bliss

I love dark chocolate. My favorites are Dove and Hershey's Bliss. After researching for this challenge I found out why I always reach for the Bliss..The colors! Brown makes me feel warm, comfortable and secure, pinks, feminine and calming, and the Gold for happiness.

I chose many shades of pink/burgundy/brown for this still life. And the cream color for the highlight on the packaging, you will note some gold leaf here and there.
I had fun with this challenge, and it was a challenge with one good hand!
Is it a coincidense that my first challenge for last year was called 'Blissful Betty', and she had a chocolate cupcake....thoughts of the holidays and all the goodies I guess.

I look forward to your comments.
Happy New Year,


  1. You can see Blissful Betty on the Yahoo homepage.
    Thanks for commenting.

  2. I've always thought brown and pink traditional quilts were a wonderful combination, and this art quilt is no exception.
    Chris Predd

  3. Oh Rhoda....chocolate! I think this is a wonderful interpretation for this challenge.

  4. Your quilt is not only very pleasing color wise, but you have accomplished depth and a light source. Very realistic!! Your use of gold is very effective.

    I want to eat some chocolate!!

  5. Ahh yes, dark chocolate. How we love it :-)
    This work has a very victorian feel to me. The gold foiling adds such a touch of elegance. It truly does have a calming effect. Lovely!

  6. It's great and I echo most of what was said above. The colors go so well and make one hungry for chocolate! The gold leaf really adds sparkle to this soft colored, relaxing piece.

  7. Hi Rhoda - Your interpretation of the Bliss bag is lovely. I like the way you pulled the variety of brown and pink shades into your work. The bits of gold add depth to the piece. The still life is so serene.

  8. Rhoda - Love this still life. It has depth and much interest. I especially like the graceful flowers. It has an elegance which together with your use of the gold is very pleasing.

  9. Rhoda, beautiful use of the inspiration colors. I'm sure the chocolate added to the enjoyment of your creation too. I especially like
    the little accents of gold that add a sparkle to the piece.

  10. A truly lovely piece... mocha.. is the automatic smell and sense I get. Clever girl... advertising those chocolates to a girl who is not even fond of choclates... but now could be enticed to put that package in her shoppiong cart. If I ever see those chocolates, I know I will buy them... for the package... [my husband will eat them].
    This is beautiful Rhoda... nice threadwork!

  11. Thanks Carole, hope hubby enjoys the chocolates. Thanks for the comment on the thread work, I used WonderFil Rayons...they always do a good job for me.

  12. Hi Rhoda, This looks good enough to eat...I think it belongs on the chocolate package with the homey yet elegant richness it evokes
    Great job!

  13. I love your chocolate flowers. I think a bit of the dark chocolate color (used in the vase & table) repeated in the flowers & leaves would help unify the colors.

  14. Thanks Linda, I did use the dk brown on one flower, but could have used more.

  15. With chocolates as your inspiration it had to be beautiful.
    The colors are supurb and I love the flowers.


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