Friday, January 01, 2010

Still Life with Melon

Above is my quilt with several changes. I darkened the rind with colored pencils, accentuated the edges of the melon, rind and flowers with darker thread, added striped strips to the borders and I quilted the whole quilt. I took to heart all of the suggestions that were made and implemented most of them. As you can see, the quilt is greatly improved. Once again, all comments are welcome.

The packaging I chose was a box of pita crackers from Trader Joe's. The colors were cool, calming and almost serene. I love working with orange and all its variations and had a great time using my stash. The challenge for me was to get enough contrast between the background and the flowers. The quilt has not been quilted yet so you may see it again when it has been completed!


  1. I like the package you and I also like the way you pulled the paisley design into the still life. This has a definite diagonal design and I wonder if you need a contrasting angle to stop the eye from going off the edge. What would happen if you darkened some of the melon rind? I think this is a nice piece and I would like to see it quilted.

  2. You have a great stash for this piece! Love the soft peach colors.

  3. Nice piece but I,too, think you need to accent the melons with some darker thread so they will stand out. Please post when you have it quilted.

  4. Thanks for the suggestions to darken the rind and I will be doing just that.

  5. Hi Ann
    I too look forward to seeing this one quilted. I like the idea of darker rinds, and wonder...I see a couple of leafs at the base of the vase...what if a couple more just drift across into the border? Very nice still life

  6. Ann, will you post a picture after you darken the melon rind?
    This is a wonderful still life, and great use of color and fabric.
    I like the leaves floating they add great interest to the pice.
    I like your composition, find it very interesting.

  7. I agree with everyone that you need to darken the rind and possibly the edge of the melon to make it stand out from the background. Since you have diagonal green strips in the background, what if you placed more going the other direction? A darker quilting thread might do so or some fabric paint or Shiva sticks. I love the colors and composition. Can't wait to see it finished.

  8. Hi Ann - I think you've done a fine job with this challenge. Some of the suggestions will help make the melon slices pop a bit more. You mentioned difficulty in getting contrast between the background and the flowers. That is another place where outlining in a darker thread could pop the flowers toward the viewer. Very nice work!

  9. Ann - I echo the comments above. A very nice piece which will be really wonderful when quilted. Your choice of fabrics and use of color is terrific. I wonder if using a dark thread or paint to outline the melons and then repeating that dark color to edge the edge the outside of the inner border would give just a bit more contrast.

  10. Ann, I like that you used elements of your border in the central composition. Your colors match the feel of your inspiration box very well. All the above suggestions are good, but the piece looks wonderful already. Your quilting may help areas have better definition. Great job.

  11. A nice feel this piece has, but yes, the background and foreground are too blendy..but you know that.
    Love the elements through out and I think when it is tweaked and quilted, it will be a totally different piece... a very lovely piece.

  12. Hi Ann, Fun color combination...looks fresh and inviting. I like your composition...just needs a bit more value contrast to distinguish the elements from the background and border.

  13. A few small changes and what a nice looks finished now. Great job!

  14. What a difference the changes make, now my eye stays in the composition without shooting off the edge. Great job!

  15. Hi Ann - The changes you've made along with the quilting have resulted in a very finished piece. Nice work!

  16. Very nice Ann, I like the changes. And the cropped one is a nice little still life on it's own.

  17. Nice!! Thanks for posting the changes.

  18. Oh, the slight changes really made it a very nice piece!


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