Monday, January 04, 2010

Challenge 40

The challenge of using advertising for the color scheme was fun.  I choose an upholstery sample of a soft leather-like fabric for the background.  I left the grommets in place as they were round like the Cheerios in the ad, then I decorated them with thread feathers.  My subject is a Kachina collection, which I had a lot of fun with.  Bird feathers from the yard were used on the Sun Kachina.  The circle quilting design was modified from Flathead beadwork (Native America Designs 2 by Joyce Mori).  This doesn't show up well in the photo, but represents the Cherrios on the package in yellow, green and orange.  Thank you Rhoda for this fun challenge.  I found myself smiling while I was making this.  The colors are just so cheerful.  Comments welcome.  Linda Mac in WY


  1. WOW! I love it!
    Pat F in Winnipeg

  2. Linda, it looks like you had a lot of fun with this. How clever to use the grommets in the design. I love the use of the feathers and you really made the colors from the cereal box come alive in your piece. Yes it is really cheerful! Great job!

  3. Different and very much in the spirit of the challenge. I am so impressed with your feather work.
    The details are impressive as well. I just keep coming back to it, enlarging it and seeing more.
    Was the background fabric patterned at all? and what kind of needle did you use? And thread?

    Good job!

  4. Your quilt is certainly more intriguing than the cereal box with lots of detail and dimension. Fun piece with good color balance. I like that you left the grommets in the fabric.

  5. Thank you all for your comments. Carole, the background fabric has a suede feel (no pattern but a light nap). I used polyester embroidery thread on the Kachinas, and silk thread for the quilting. A 90/14 needle for the polyester, and a 70/10 needle for the silk. The fine needle worked very well through the upholstry fabric, backing and batting.

  6. Oops! I just realized that everyone else was doing plants. I was focused on the ad colors and a still life, and totally missed that we were doing plants. Sorry Rhoda, for the oversight.
    Linda Mac

  7. Hi Linda - I think this is a delight. It made me smile. Bravo!

  8. Wow is right! What a great piece! I love the textures and the negative space. Really fantastic!


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