Saturday, November 27, 2010


This is a challenge dear to my heart...I have a long termed love affair with shapes...LOL

This is a 24 color colorwheel using all sheers (organzas, chiffons and tulles). I pulled the colors as close as I could using only my stash. The shape is eliptical. The pieces are fused and stitched using invisible thread to a background of crystaline organza, then the backing is chiffon. No batting! The background and backing are overlocked on the edges waiting for a rolled, handstitched hem...(ugh).

The piece measures 26"x26"

It is totaly sheer and looks wonderful with light shining through, accenting the interplay of the colors. It's dark now, so I will try to take a picture in front of the window after it is hemmed.

Thanks for this terrific challenge Wendy. It motivated me to do the all sheer colorplay I've been fantasizing about for some time :-) The funny thing is...I had another quilt all designed, the pieces drawn, fabrics pulled and Misty Fuse applied ready to cut and the first pieces applied. The whole time I was working on this, I was planning the colorwheel, so yesterday when I got up ready to work on it, it was the colorwheel that appeared! LOL

I plan to do the original one as well...maybe even on time?

It is hemmed and sleeve added. Here is a picture hanging in the window with light through it. I contemplated finishing in the round but couldn't figure a way to hang it so it's square. I auditioned beads, however they didn't add anything significant to the overall design, so I feel superfluous.

Thank you all for the wonderful comments, they mean alot to me!

Your comments are greatly appreciated as always :-)



  1. Very nice, Cherie. Who would think that you could pull all the needed colors from your stash! I would imagine that this will be absolutely wonderful when it is back-lit. And I don't envy you the job of hand stitching the rolled hem - ugh.

  2. Love your use of sheers. We will all be checking back to see it back-lit. Beautiful.

  3. Cherie: This is just beautiful. I am amazed and envious that you had all those different fabrics already in your stash. I'm looking forward to seeing it photographed where you can see the translucence. Great job.
    Veronica Von Zwehl

  4. Stunning, Cheri... I'm envious that your stash has so many sheers! The petal shape is so effective here as is the explosion of color that results from the overlapping! Well done!

  5. Wonderfully radiant and radial! There is a lot of movement implied in the blurring of colours and values. I could look at it on my wall or in my window and enjoy all the layerng effects. Brilliant!

  6. This is a really effective piece done with the transparent fabrics. Would you consider adding some beading to it, maybe in the center. If the beads were transparent, they would look gorgeous backlit.

  7. The movement in this piece is amazing! I'mamxious to see what back light does to it.

    Pat Havey

  8. Cherie, this is beautiful! What a great way to show how colors interplay with one another to create different shades, values, etc. I like your unique shape, too. Great job!

  9. This piece is absolutely beautiful. The color interplay and shading is so pretty with the transparency. I think you have ignited a lust for sheers that I never had before. This will look fantastic with the light shining through it. Wonderful job!

  10. Cherie,
    It's a beauty and the only shortcoming is that you need more green in your stash. Those who know me would smile at that as I sit here on my palm tree upholstered cushions, wearing my green blouse, not far from my "vintage" green sink and countertop range. I love green.
    I think I am in agreement with Louise about the beads. You might just toss a few out there and see if any of them make it even prettier.
    :Diane - yarngoddess

  11. Using the overlapping sheer fabrics was a great idea. Well done.

    Judy Rys

  12. Cherie,
    I am always amazed at the numerous ways the color wheel can be displayed and look great. Will you leave the outer edge as a square or will it be a circle?
    Kathy L

  13. Wow, this is amazing. Neat how the colors darken with the overlay of the previous fabric. Wonderful!

  14. I love that it is totally sheer, very cool. Reminds me of a color wheel. I too am amazed that you have all those shears in your stash.

  15. Very nice piece made with an impressive collection of sheers. I especially like how it changes with the light. The back lit one shows much more dimension and movement. Very calming piece.

  16. Hi Cherie, love the shimmering undulating feel to this...and so pretty!

  17. Absolutely beautiful.. it fairly takes my breath away! It can come to live in my house anytime... you will enjoy this one for a long time! Well done cherie!

  18. Thank you everyone! I love playing with sheers and will probably do more sheer studies. I need to figure a method to hang that won't show through and detract from the composition. Any ideas?


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