Friday, September 02, 2011

Sunset Over the Island

While we were on our boat Tuesday last week, there was a spectacular sunset over an island---not reds, pinks, etc. but golds, bronzes. I kept taking pictures but could never really capture the colors. The brightest was like a molten pale gold. This was the closest I could come to it. It is not quilted---had to take three days this week to be sick. However, the more I look at it, I think I will probably frame it. The white rim and outer black are batting and backing--just not trimmed. The size is 12"x7.25".


  1. Sally, you have done a wonderful job of interpreting the sunset. I hope you will do some quilting on it, even if you frame it. A small amount of quilting would add texture and depth.


  2. Sally,

    You captured the essense of your photograph very well. The drama of the beautiful color of the clouds against the black color of the landscape is wonderful. I am sure that the quilting will make it even more lively. I really like the feel of this piece.


  3. Sally, you have really captured the mood with such wonderful colors or gold/bronze. The black silhouette gives on the hint of houses and silos in the distance. I certainly would frame it.

  4. Quilting will surely add dimension and texture to this wonderful piece. Your colors are beautifully done.

    Pat Havey

  5. Your quilt is prettier than the photo. Well done.

  6. Hi Sally, wonderful colors and glowing feel to your dramatic piece.
    Good job!

  7. Sally, great job of interpreting your photo into fabric. I would love to see it after you have it quilted. Good work!

    Susan Armstrong


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