Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cavorting Trees

This picture of trees fascinated me and encouraged me to try the same thing.  It is thread painted, painted with watercolor pencil and sheva sticks, appliqued and quilted.  It measures 10x14".

Pat Havey


  1. It is so bold and almost looks like scary, partly human trees standing guard. The deep blue/gray of the background gives the illusion of a stormy sky which I think adds to the menacing feel of the piece. Were you trying to make the trees lifelike?

  2. Isn't it interesting how each of us responds to an image. What first touched me were the beautiful colors of this quilt and the organic feel of the trees. Then I look further and see the background hills and trees which add more depth and interest! I love this piece, and yes after having mentioned it, the trees depict an illusion of the human form. To me, they are lifting their branches to heaven in praise! Beauty and interpretation are in the eyes of the beholder!


  3. Love the trees and see the human form as well.

  4. What a great title...the trees are indeed cavorting! I love that we are capable of assigning human-like form to inanimate things...isn't the human brain amazing?
    Beautiful colors and good job of painting, including thread painting!

  5. Beautiful art quilt. Good job.You have a wonderful imagination. The depth with the green trees and than the colors, texture and personality you gave to the the front trees is awesome. Good Job


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