Actually I've been doing this for a few other quilts as well - taking something that wasn't working and making it more fun.
In Sunny Seattle
A gallery of the quilts created for the Fast Friday Fabric Challenges. The quilt artists display their work here to give and receive constructive critiques. Only blog members may comment.
I had to do this in three steps instead of two.
For step #1 I pulled out some two year old orphans, added blocksbetween them and made the top. It was predictible and boring but not too bad.
For step #2 I cut it up and added another fabric. I hated it. Myhusband, who is very supportive and likes most things that I do came into the room and said "That is the ugliest thing you've ever made". I had to agree. I was pretty discouraged for awhile. I auditioned some things that didn't work at all and then I remembered I had some iron-on bias tape.
So, for step #3 I added the tape, cut it into a circle and came up withsomething completely new. .Betty
Thanks for a great challenge Linda!
2. Explain what the piece communicates to you.
3. Give a 'what if' statement(What if you had used blue instead of red?)