Guess my roots are showing...........
A traditional quilter first, I sat down right away to do something
different with my favorite traditional block. Rather than
the 'traditional' square with curves, I did this one long and narrow
with straight lines., took out my protractor, measured off the degrees
and away I went. I did 4 blocks, put them together using a quarter
turn, insetting the center square rather than butting the inside edges
and working on the outside. That way the border was already there, just
part of the block. I used Fossil Fern fabric and some Laurel Birch
kats,quilted it with purple rayon thread and orange in the center portion, added the butterflies and voila!
I hoped the quilting design and the butterflies would add an 'art' flair to this otherwise very traditional piece. Did I succed?
As always, I look forward to your comments.