Sea Ranch, California
A gallery of the quilts created for the Fast Friday Fabric Challenges. The quilt artists display their work here to give and receive constructive critiques. Only blog members may comment.
Challenge #54 February 2011/due March 5
Guest Hostess: Janice Paine Dawes
Theme or Technique: Use curvilinear perspective to create an art quilt by your favorite technique.
Design Concept: When we think of perspective we think of straight lines that recede until they merge at a point. The easiest way to think of this is to visualize a road that goes into the distance until the two sides of the road merge into a single point. But what about curved lines? Can you use curves to show perspective and depth? If you look at Celtic designs they are primarily curved lines. The meander and converge on the surface so that you see depth in the design.
Some of you are into Zentangles. These designs fit this concept.
I will give you a great website that describes what this is. I particularly love the way this concept helps your design look natural and organic whether it is an abstract or realistic.
What it is: http://tinyurl.com/49e3uog
Examples of Artists:
Fiber art examples:
other examples in nature, architecture, fine crafts:
Your Challenge: After studying the concept and maybe having a light bulb moment, create an art quilt using your choice of technique. Because of our medium, you can employ the use of your quilting lines to further the curved look of your piece. This one is wide open so you can incorporate what you know and do best into the challenge. Have fun, I look forward to more great pieces from this group.
A while back, my husband had a dream which involved a piece that I had made, very 3-dimensional and realistic though he did not know how I had done it. He gave me a written text of the dream, and that became my inspiration.
The yellow house came from a photo which I found on-line by entering "yellow house" (with permission from the woman who posted it).
From the dream story: "... the dream scene appears before me as a piece of artwork! It shows a large tree on the right side whose branches, covered with red and green leaves, protrude out from the surface of the work. ... A narrow yellow brick road runs from the upper right to the lower left of the image. There is a small yellow house on the far side of the road."
The tree is actually a separate piece, attached to the front of the background.
Late, but at least before the next challenge! Comments appreciated.
2. Explain what the piece communicates to you.
3. Give a 'what if' statement(What if you had used blue instead of red?)