As usual, I thought too long about what to do. After a week of procrastination, I started this on Thursday. It needs some finishing work and is not yet quilted.
I like the strong contrasts and the large shapes. I found it was a bit of a departure and a challenge for me, different from my typical subject matter.
Comments and critiques are most welcome.
Quite a beautiful color scheme - with that blue sky and adobe walls, could only be Santa Fe.
I love the bush against the shadow on the left, but I can't figure out the bush-like shadow on the right. Perhaps it's the shadow of the tree in the background and the quilting will clarify that.
The gradual change in the size and color of the courtyard stones really gives the illusion of depth. I really like the way you did that.
Diane - yarngoddess
On the right there is a bush with a shadow underneath. The very dark green of the bush is rather close in value to the almost black shadow underneath. I don't think it will become any more differentiated with the quilting.
The colors and contrast hit me immediately. It is very beautiful. The sky and the tree in the upper right corner are fantastic. I also love the light and shadows of the adobe and the stone floor. I look forward to seeing it finished. LindaBN
I love Santa Fe.... I'm amazed you did this in 2 days!
Wendy, three days of actual sewing, Thurs-Fri-Sat. I worked a few late nights and Saturday until about 7.
Susan, this is a gorgeous scene, you can just visualize the bright sun shining. Wonderful job on the shadows.
I love the saturated blue sky and the adobe colours. Interesting angle as well. I find the stick like shadow going across the stones to interrupt my eye movement into the piece. Actually, I thought it was a crack in the paving, but that might just be me living in an earthquake zone!
Great use of perspective and depth. Look forward to seeing the stitching.
Julie, I kind of agree about the shadow across the paving. Once I had put it in, I questioned whether it should be there. I do not feel good about just trying to remove it, because of course there would be needle holes. But as I continue working, I might try to tone it down a bit.
Julie and everyone so far, thanks for your feedback.
Having just gotten back from a visit with my brother who lives in SF. I really appreciate the quality of this quilt, the dark green in the tree and than the burst of the wonderful blue sky brings everything together. Beautiful! look forward to seeing this quilted.
Well done! You've got the contrasts down, with wonderful texture and perfect color selections. Because of the harsh sunlight, this is almost the opposite of chiaroscuro where normally the main points come out of a dark background. You evoke the mystery in the dark shadows. It also is an absolutely perfect rendition of Santa Fe.
You've nailed the repetition, balance, rhythm. Wonderful.
Lisa Q.
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