I took this picture used for the lines in my piece while on vacation last year. I loved the texture and the strong architectural lines along with the starkness of the color scheme.
Just a few blocks away, I took
I found it really challenging to try to incorporate the brigh
t reds and greens into the strong lines from the other photo. This piece became much more abstract than my usual work although I tried to incorporate much of the feel of the original photo, it is also greatly changed. The mortar for the bricks and the stones is actually a sage green tone, although against the brighter colors it appears to be gray. The quilting is done in a very fine thread in the same sage green as the mortar. It is intended to simply emphasize the textural difference between the bricks and stones and the mortar.

I would welcome your comments, including where I may have missed the mark or could have improved the concept. Thank you!
Hi Ticia, what a great piece! Really good choice for the line inspiration...and it was cleverly intrepreted instead of an exact match. That makes it more interesting/quirky. Excellent work on the color intensities, you've got them all in there. I wouldn't change a thing! Great job
Wow, I really like this piece! I love that you were able to blend the bright vegetable color scheme with the neutral architectural forms to create something completely different. Your fabrics work well,i like all the interesting textures and shapes. The only thing I would do differently is turn it upside down! My brain wants to see the fence on the bottom, although I don't know why.
What a classic color scheme mother nature created, and you interpreted it so well. You really accomplished getting in all the values and contrasts. The lines are wonderful, the geometric juxtaposed against the organic shapes are a feast to my eyes. I do believe you hit the challenge on the head with this one!
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