Saturday, July 31, 2010
Ch47 Evening Walk Solitude
The trees are more fantasy than anything. Thanks for the challenge Tobi. Now onto the stitching.
I have finished the stitching and the binding. Changed the birds out, there are three ravens can you see them.
Did a bit of hand stitching and am pleased to have this challenge completed, it's been awhile :) The color is more true in this photo too. Thanks for having a look.

Girl on a Swing

28" x 18 ½""
10/1/2010 -- Third prize winner at an Art Show!
9/10/2010 --
There is finishing work to be done, but this is far e

The girl is actually a 3-dimensional doll made with a wire mesh framework, on a swing with chains attached to the tree branch. She still needs hands, and, maybe, a face. The tree is thread-painted, actually using the drawing technique I mentioned in the challenge, which I've never done in thread, using a twin needle (another first for me) on top of brown fabric. The leaves are organza in three shades, held on with beads. The fringe used (and used up!) seven hanks of embroidery thread.
Aside from the advance time I have to think about a challenge that I host, I try not to jump into making it until it is officially posted. I'd appreciate any comments -- and does it need a face?
Trees Are

I read the challenge while visiting our son in Seattle and thoughts of giant Douglas firs and nurse logs came to mind immediately. Then on the plane ride home, I decided to do something less literal and more funky-definitely outside my style. I mused on what trees meant and came up with four statements which I thought I could machine quilt to the borders-again not a new technique for me, but not common either. Looking through my hand-dyed fabrics, I came upon a purchased light yellow green fat quarter-definitely not my usual color scheme. Using all solids is not new but not something I usually do either. I was going to machine couch the variegated pearl cotton but that flattened it so I hand stitched it using a stem stitch. So this quilt came together very quickly and easily and even photographed well on one try early this morning in time to make the deadline. I didn't do anything new technically to me but did try to use less familiar techniques and colors. Very enjoyable and a good memory of a good vacation.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Un Named at present
I have a different edge shape than I have ever done... notches out of each side, one upper, one lower.... I will face it, then it is finished.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Joshua Tree Sunset
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Three Forest
Tree of Imagination

Monday, July 26, 2010
Magritte and Me
I scheduled this quilt to take a week, but due to a shortage of Lite Steam a Seam 2 in my personal quilt stop, aka stash, it took about a month. I have got to have a talk with that store manager about inventory shortages. ... Oh yeah, that manager would be me. ;-)
I've always loved Rene Magritte's painting, The Castle of the Pyrenees. In fact I liked it so much I did a reproduction of it in a painting class, and I used my painting as the reference for this quilt. You can see my painting and find out more about this quilt at my blog.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Ch 47 - Trees
We live in windy Wyoming, so our trees are often leaning as shown.
silk tree

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Barking Up the (Wrong) Tree
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Challenge 47 - Out on a Limb
Out on a Limb
FFFC #47 for July 2010 (due July 31st)
Host: Tobi Hoffman
Back when I was in third or fourth grade, my parents enrolled me in a Saturday art course at Morton Arboretum in Lisle, IL. The one thing I remember most from that class was a method for drawing a tree: draw a line from the root, up the trunk, along branches until you end up at a twig, and continue doing this until you have filled up the entire tree with twigs. The trunk and branches grow a bit every time you draw those lines to put in another twig. I may not be able to draw a face recognizable as its subject, but I can still draw a tree! While this method is not as applicable to quilt art unless you are doing thread-painting, it introduces the theme of today’s challenge - the theme is trees, whether a seedling, or a seed, a twig, branch, a single tree, a grouping, or a forest – but look at it from a new angle.
Technique: Go out on a limb to try a technique that is new to you to create your tree. Take a point of view that is different from your usual one, bird’s eye, caterpillar’s eye, a pilot’s view, or a worm’s. Try a new way to embellish your piece, or incorporate some element you have never tried before. Use your least favorite color, and make it look good. Pull out crayons, beads, yarn, Angelina fiber, all of the above or none, but don’t forget one thing – have fun!
Links: 2/7/10, 3/6/10 posts, Patty VanHuis- Cox
(A whole show of tree art!)
From past FFFC’s: Betty Donahue Delta (Rhonda Blasingame) Lisa Albanese Tobi Hoffman (improved from blog) Lisa Albanese Susan Brittingham
The tree as artist:
Not quilted, but interesting, by Nina Kuriloff:
The baobab trees from “The Little Prince”:
An interesting blog on trees in art by Maureen Shaughnessy:
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Big One
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Sea Dragon arrives !

Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Monday, July 05, 2010
Challenge 46, Pam Clark
When my sister, Nancy, and I were younger, we had to walk 1/4 mile to our mail box everyday in the summer. We loved to pick up rocks, take them home, and crack them open to see what they looked like inside. We were always astounded at how beautiful they were. We'd find an ugly old gray rock and when we cracked it open with a hammer, there was no telling what we might find. Our favorites were the ones that had flecks of blue in them, which were quite rare, but very beautiful. When we found some that had gold or silver flecks in them, we always wondered if it was "real gold". Of course, it was probably iron pyrite or something, but we always had high hopes that we had found the mother lode. This quilt is symbolic of the flecks and veins that we used to find in rocks. We visited a rock shop where the owner cracked open the rocks and then polished them and they were spectacular.
In this quilt I used metallic threads to quilt it to add those silver and gold flecks. It doesn't show up well in the photo, but I hope you get the idea

Ch 45 - Geology
I apologize for using an older quilt, but I so wanted to take part in this month's challenge.
After making the strata, I wasn't happy with the quilt, so I started adding applique items, until I was happy with the result. I think it is more interesting with the bears, fish, and trees added.
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Fossils of a Different Color

Kathy Walker
Friday, July 02, 2010
Standing Stones at the Summer Solstice
This was a piece that spoke to me after spending all last summer with Diana Gambalden's Outlander series following Claire Beecham Randal Fraiser and her escapes through the Standing Stones near Inverness in Scotland. If you haven't read it, do it. I am re-reading this summer.
"Bearing Gifts" - A Childs view of Rocks


This was a fun exercise for me. I started by looking at rock formations on the internet to get a feel for what real geo-formations are like. Then I went into my stash to find some “rock” fabric. Found this great red/orange commercial fabric that just said “stones” to me. Using a sakura graphics pen I let the fabric guide me to create fissures in the rock. I quilted with black thread along my black lines and then used a combination of throwing in a few Zentangle patterns in purple thread as well as playing with a little water color pencil to make the yellow highlights. The piece has been trimmed to 8x10 so as to fit into a standard black frame. My husband surprised me when he said he saw a dinosaur peeking out of the rock. Well Yah…it’s there to my amazement. I was thinking the agate slice would be the focus point, but I think the dinosaur has up staged it. It’s good to be back in the studio doing fast Friday quilts again. Thanks Kathy for a terrific challenge! Comments and critiques are appreciated.
El Arco

El Arco is my contribution to this wonderful challenge. The geological formation is the predominant landmark at the tip of Baja California, Cabo San Lucas, and is often referred to as The End of the World. Finished size is 25"x19". Techniques used were mainly a form of confetti fusing as well as some thread painting. The edge finish is a 2" facing, and for a change, was successful. This is a favorite vacation stop for us as we have been there several times.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Please Don't Take Me For GRANITE

Sikanni Canyon
I painted a piece of fabric and then added a lot of stitching, both machine and hand stitching. I look forward to your critique. Thank you for the great challenge Kathy.
Max Patch