We did her Mock Mola class, a very slick way of doing raw edge reverse applique. So I grabbed a piece of my hand dyes and off I went. After much rumination about what design to use (I had 5 lined up), and after reading our challenge, I decided on the celtic knot. I learned a lot and I think I would use a zig zag stitch to do the initial design and make the lines more stable... but overall, it was a great class and we had a blast with all of the possibilities!

Way cool, Wendy. Your choice of a varigated fabric behind the black adds the punch and visual interest that draws the viewer in. Will you be adding borders,and what are your plans for quilting?
Sounds like a technique I would love to learn. Very effective.
Pat Havey
Very nice piece and interesting technique with the bonus of getting two quilts in one. Great use of hand dyed fabric on the front as it sparkles against the black and adds so much movement.
No borders beyon what you see. The black top and bottom are it! Simple line quilting in the black. About the size of a table runner.... Thanks for your comments!
This is very cool Wendy! I don't understand how it is reversible...is it a single layer ? no batting? Can you explain a little? I'll bet it looks terrific on your table
I love the celtic knot. I am still trying to figure out how it is reversible. I get that you cut away the black fabric on the front to show the hand dyed piece. But how does the knot show on the back? Did you have a black backing and cut away the negative space?
The reversible secret: 5 layers of stuff! Black - color - batting - color - black. Cut away negative space on one side, positive on the other!
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