Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I make a lot of quilts using words, but for meaning more than as artistic elements. This quilt is the opposite. There is no meaning, but I had fun with the letters. Several background fabrics that have words printed on them demanded to be in the quilt.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Supercalifragislisticexpialidocious, was a favorite childhood song from Mary Poppins.

 At the website, http://www.tagxedo.com/ typed the text, Supercalifragislisticexpialidocious,chose the font, color and shape to create the design. Such Fun!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Challenge 98: Word Play

Challenge Hostess: Tobi Hoffman     
Title: Word Play
Theme: Alphabet Soup, letters as artistic elements
Technique: Any
Due date: Nov. 1, 2014

Do you have a favorite word, one that just tickles your mind, maybe with its sound, maybe its meaning?  Do you remember as a child taking a word and repeating it so many times that it seemed like a nonsense word?  Is there a word that others might apply to you, whether because you use it so often, or just seems the perfect one to describe yourself?  Or maybe you’re a punster, getting joy out of a play on words, or enjoy crossword puzzles, especially the tricky kinds.  The challenge this month is to use words in your quilt to create your picture.  Use color to accentuate the mood.

Wordle: http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/8257311/Word_Play created from the initial paragraph by yours truly

Word Play Quilts” (check out the 16 pictures from the book):
 And its author, Tonya Ricucci: http://www.pinterest.com/tonyaricucci/

Tammy Johnson, author of “Alphabet Soup: Expressive Quilts with Folk Art Charm” http://tinyurl.com/FFFC98-2 or

and some samples:

And one more thing: have fun with this! :)

Monday, October 06, 2014

Z Barcode

12¾" x 16"

11/24 -- I updated this a bit by adding black and white beads around the inner edge of the border to emphasize the barcode pattern.  It very much perked up the piece, I think!
Original post

The most natural thing I could think of incorporating a bar code was a zebra, hence, Z Barcode!

I used two widths of black ribbon for the bar code, with a Micron pen to put in the smaller code stripes on the mane, head and legs.  The background is simply a dyed piece from my stash, and bordered with bias tape.  I sewed the basic zebra shape onto black to give it enough outline to stand out against the background, and used what I call the "scribble" stitch on my machine around the edge of the black.

I welcome your comments.

Friday, October 03, 2014

Count your Smiles!

Designed this quilt using a free bar code generator, Make the Cut software and Photoshop Elements Filters.

The top block actually reads Count your Smiles! with a QR scanner.
The center block was created with a spherize filter.
The bottom block was created with a line drawing filter.

The borders have UPC bar codes that spell the text.

Would love suggestions on how to quilt it.