Challenge #34 - Triad color scheme is purple/orange/green. This was accomplished by painting a flower and the background grid using Caran D'Ache Neopaque II water soluble wax pastels. I like to use them because you can create a quiet texture with them. Am not sure that shows up so well in a photo. The inner border - actually a flange - and the binding are dark green. (I know they look black, but are not.) The pattern is the grid and the texture in the painted areas as well as that created by the fossil fern purple border and the batik dark green inner border and binding. I think I could probably do more with this piece, but need to noodle on it for a while.
This is a style not typical of me. It was fun to do and certainly a new color scheme for me to try. Thanks Cynthia.
All comments/critiques welcomed.